Acting Sub Lieutenant Somphot Rodwong
ว่าที่ ร.ต.สมโภชน์ รอดวงษ์
Scientist, Professional Level
Mini MPM (Modern Public Management) , 2020 Office of the Public Sector Development Commission, Thailand
Mini MBA (Modern Business Management) , 2020 Office of the Public Sector Development Commission, Thailand
M.Ed(Industrial Technology) , 2004 PhranakhonRajabhat University, Thailand
B.Sc.TechEd. (Electrical Engineering), 1996 RajamangalaInstitute of Technology , Thailand
B.Ed. (Educational Administration), 1995 Sukhothai ThammathiratOpen University, Thailand
Electrical Engineering Basic Laboratory
Department of Electrical Engineering, 1st Floor, Boonrod Bintasan Building,
Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
Email: somphot.r@chula.ac.th
Tel: 02 218 6485