Minimum Qualification of PhD Program Applicant
For CUEE PhD program, the applicant must meet one of the following requirements:
- The applicant who holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering must obtain the second honor degree or the minimum 3.25 grade point average and must also meet the requirement of the Graduate School.
- The applicant who holds a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering must obtain good or excellent in master thesis and must also meet the requirement of the Graduate School.
CUEE PhD Degree Requirements
Each student has to pass the following requirements in order to achieve his or her study :
[Plan 1.1] PhD student, holding a Master’s Degree , must take credits from the seminar and listed elective courses with the approval of the major advisor. In addition to fulfilling the course requirement, the student is required to submit a thesis of 60 credits, satisfactorily pass an oral examination and one part or more of the thesis has been accepted to be published in international journal. CUEE’s provided scholarship period in this case would usually grant supports for 3 years.
[Plan 2.1] PhD student, holding a Master’s Degree with grade point average less than 3.5, is required to pass at least 12 credits from the listed elective courses with the approval of the major advisor and the seminar courses. In addition to fulfilling the course requirement, the student is required to submit a thesis of 48 credits, satisfactorily pass an oral examination and one part or more of the thesis has been accepted to be published in international journal. CUEE’s provided scholarship period in this case would usually grant supports for 3 years.
[Plan 1.2 & 2.2] PhD student, holding only a Bachelor’s degree but not Master’s degree, is required to pass 24 credits from the listed elective and the seminar courses with the approval of the major advisor. In addition to fulfilling the course requirement, the student is required to submit a thesis of 48 credits, satisfactorily pass an oral examination and one part or more of the thesis has been accepted to be published in international journal. CUEE’s provided scholarship period in this case would usually grant supports for 5 years.

Three exams are required for the CUEE PhD
- Qualifying exam which is taken usually within the first two years to provide the confidence that the students have sufficient backgrounds related to their chosen PhD research direction.
- PhD thesis proposal exam. Here, the student prepares a written Doctoral research proposal and presents it orally to a thesis-examiner committee.
- PhD thesis exam (VIVA) is the final oral defense of the student’s completed research thesis, following submission of the written PhD thesis and journal publication submission/admission.
- Study information about department’s offered Cluster.
- Send emails to consult/discuss/match your research interest with our department’s faculty members. PhD applicants able to specify potential PhD thesis advisor(s) and research problems in their statement of purpose are usually considered preferably for our PhD program admission and scholarship decision.
- In addition to the recommended application procedure given by the Department of Electical Engineering here, please study also the general application details as given by the Chulalongkorn University at:
- University requirement on English language proficiency
– minimum score: CUTEP 67 / TOEFL 525 / IELTS 5.5
– minimum score: CUTEP 45 / TOEFL 450 / IELTS 4.0 (applicants will be required to register -costing no extra fee- in university’s English language courses if they are admitted into our graduate program at Chulalongkorn University)
Remark: The applicant may be exempted from English placement test if he/she has the following qualification:
Graduated from Study program using English as medium of instruction at university which Civil Service Commission of Thailand has certified. - Annual application period: (please refer to the exact schedule from
– Around February – May for admission into EE graduate program in semester 1 (study period starts in August)
– Around September – October for admission into EE graduate program in semester 2 (study period starts in January) - Scholarship requirement on English language proficiency and application deadline may be different from the information above. Please refer to the scholarship announcement for scholarship’s specific information.
Scholarships and Supports
Most of CUEE PhD students are scholarship recipients of Chulalongkorn University or of their sending institutions. Applicants are strongly recommended to contact us in advance so we can facilitate in match-making of your proposed PhD research work directions with expertises of CUEE faculties in our 6 research clusters.
CUEE Graduate Program Contacts for General Query
- Ms Ruangrong Kaewintanin (For Thai Student)
- Ms Prompapat Pakkarapornpan (For International Student)
Department of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University
Bangkok, Thailand 10330
Tel. (662) 218 6494 Fax. (662) 251 8991
More information of CUEE supports are:
- CU ASEAN/Non-ASEAN Graduate Scholarships ( )
- CU C2F Ph.D./PostDocScholarships ( fund-chulalongkorn-university-c2f/)
- CUEE Graduate Research Assistant Grant (available by individual faculties and at CUEE research units Research Unit/Star – Department of Electrical Engineering, Chulalongkorn University)