Welcome to the graduate program of Chulalongkorn University’s Department of Electrical Engineering (CUEE). Our program has been recognized as one of the eldest advanced-study offerings in Thailand. Our CUEE strength is derived from being the biggest department of Chulalongkorn University’s Faculty of Engineering. With 45 faculty staff and 150+ M.Eng., Ph.D. students and post-doctoral researchers, our CUEE has strived actively for the state-of-the-art research in EE’s conventional and modernized fields.

Learning in International Environment within Thailand
At the international level, CUEE has contributed as the host institute, since its inception of JICA’s AUN/Seed-Net Project. Till nowadays, CUEE has provided our roles over the past decade in training engineers, researchers and instructors who have returned to continue their roles in the industry and academic institutions across ASEAN and the south Asian region. With 25% of our M.Eng. and Ph.D. students being international, we conduct all corresponding classes and research activities mainly in English language. This becomes the environment of successes for both Thai and international students to join-in and to learn together professionally in the true international world of CUEE graduate fields with the warmth of Thai Asian-style nurtured learning environments.
Graduate Program Flexibility Matching Student-Interest Skillset Design Choices with CUEE Faculty Expertises
CUEE offers two main graduate programs leading to the degree of Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) and the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). Both the degrees are designed very flexibly to allow students the best opportunity to design their own learning paths. With close supervision from their main thesis advisors, CUEE students can choose to join any of the 6 CUEE research clusters namely:
- Bioelectronics (BIO)
- Power and Energy (PEn)
- Data Analytics (DTA)
- Control & Embedded Systems (CES)
- Advance Materials and Devices (AMD)
- Telecommunication Networking and Systems – (TNAS)
Since each of our faculties contributes generally in more than one research clusters, during the application period, applicants are strongly recommended to study our faculty experiences and works thoroughly. So applicants will be able to match the direction that you want to improve yourself during the course of study at CUEE with the expertises of our faculty members. And you would be able to get the best out of your study here. CUEE provides also the list of CUEE research cluster coordinators, whom interesting applicants can directly contact in case you need deeper technical guidances than the information already made available in our web.
Cluster Coordinator

Bioelectronics (BIO)
Apiwat Lek-uthai

Control & Embedded Systems (CES)
Wanchalerm Pora

Power and Energy (PEn)
Surachai Chaitusaney

Advance Materials and Devices (AMD)
Songphol Kanjanachuchai

Data Analytics (DTA)
Supavadee Aramvith

Telecommunication Networking and Systems – (TNAS)
Lunchakorn Wuttisittikulkij
Opportunity for dual-degree from CUEE and National Taiwan University (NTU, Taiwan)
Starting in 2021, CUEE offers selective students for the choice of the dual-degree program, initiated between CUEE and the Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering of NTU, Taiwan. The Thai-nationality students recruited to join this program must belong to either of the 2 CUEE research clusters, namely, (1) Telecommunications and Networking or (2) Data Analytics. The CUEE-NTU dual-degree program students will conduct courses at CUEE during year 1 and continue on year 2 at NTU, Taiwan. The students will have the opportunity of receiving world-class research advice from both CUEE faculty thesis advisor and NTU faculty thesis advisor. After graduation, the students will hold both the Master degrees from CUEE as well as from NTU Taiwan. For additional information, you can contact Associate Professor Dr Chaiyachet Saivichit (chaiyachet.s@chula.ac.th), head of communication engineering division at CUEE.
Research Cluster
CUEE Graduate Program Contacts for General Query
Email : cuee-grad@chula.ac.th
Department of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University
Bangkok, Thailand 10330
Tel. (662) 218 6494 Fax. (662) 251 8991
Doctor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering
Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering