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2102500*(1 Credits)
2102501*(2 Credits)
2102503*Time Series Analysis
Data cleansing; down-sampling, up-sampling; correlation analysis; stationarity test; stationary models; maximum likelihood estimation; applications in anomaly detection and forecasting.
(1 Credits)
2102504Introduction to Mathematical Analysis
Mathematical proofs; basic set theory; the real number system; topology on the real line; sequence and convergence; limit and continuity of functions; vector spaces and linear operators; normed linear spaces; bounded operators; inner-product spaces; orthogonality and orthonormal bases; adjoint operators; applications to electrical engineering topics.
(3 Credits)
2102508*Optimization Concepts and Applications
General setting; formulating optimization problems; overview of problem types; brief introduction to convex programs; applications in engineering; overview of available methods; essential considerations of algorithms; applying optimization softwares to solve common problem types.
(1 Credits)
2102509*Introduction to Optimization Techniques
One-dimensional optimization; line search; unconstrained optimization; gradient descent; Newton method; trust-region; Levenberg-Marquardt; quasi-Newton; conjugate gradient; interior-point methods; methods for solving quadratic programming; constrained optimization; KKT conditions for nonlinear optimizations.
(2 Credits)
2102510*Linear Programming
Standard form; formulating applied problems in LP form; basic feasible solutions; the simplex method; duality and sensitivity analysis; integer linear programming: relaxation, cutting-plane, branch and bound algorithm.
(1 Credits)
2102511*Optimization Methods for Engineering and Machine Learning
Recent applications in engineering and machine learning; first-order methods for large-scale optimization; duality theory; convex optimization algorithms.
(2 Credits)
2102512*Heuristic Optimization
Introduction to optimization; evolutionary and swarm intelligence algorithms; particle swarm optimization; ant colony optimization; genetic algorithm; decision tree; dynamic programming; applications of operations research.
(2 Credits)
2102513*Basic Image Processing
Sampling and resolution; geometric transform; enhancement; restoration.
(1 Credits)
2102514*Advanced Image Processing
Segmentation; morphology; image description and representation; transforms in image processing; filters; applications.
(2 Credits)
2102515*Digital Video Processing
Analog and digital video; video signal analysis; frequency response of the Human Visual System (HVS); video models; two dimensional motion estimation; foundation of video coding; image and video coding standards.
(2 Credits)
2102516*Adaptive Signal Processing
Linear optimal filter, Wiener filter; adaptive filtering, adaptive algorithms (LMS, RLS); frequency-domain adaptive filtering; applications of adaptive signal processing.
(1 Credits)
2102517*Wavelet Transform
Short-time Fourier transform; 1D and 2D wavelet transform; filter banks; Harr, Daubechies and other wavelets; programming examples.
(1 Credits)
2102518*Neural Networks and Deep Learn
ingIntroduction to deep learning; neural networks basics; shallow neural networks; deep neural networks.
(1 Credits)
2102519*Reinforcement Learning and Applications
Overview of reinforcement learning; introductory example: multi-armed bandit problem; Markov decision process; temporal-difference learning; reinforcement learning implementation with cloud technology; engineering applications.
(1 Credits)
2102521*System Identification
Dynamical models; input design; persistent excitation; constrained least-squares; prediction error method; subspace method; model selection and validation.
(2 Credits)
2102523*Estimation Theory
Properties of estimator; asymptotic distribution of estimators; minimum mean-square estimation; maximum likelihood estimation; Fisher information matrix; Cramer-Rao bound; maximum a posteriori estimation; applications on linear additive models.
(2 Credits)
2102571Multimedia Communication
Multimedia communication system; multimedia compression technology and standards (image, video, audio); multimedia communication protocols; telecommunication Infrastructure and mobile network ecosystem; multimedia communication applications (Internet of Things (IoTs); intelligent transport system (ITS) and autonomous vehicles; smart health, smart surveillance in smart cities; multimedia data analytics.
(3 Credits)
2102575Statistical Inference and Modeling
Procedures in statistical modeling; supervised learning; unsupervised learning; ensemble learning; regression models; classfication; clustering; model selection; model validation; engineering applications.
(3 Credits)