We would like to invite students, faculty members, and interested people to participate in ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ON-LINE SEMINAR (Seminar #11) “Output Filters for Grid-Tied Converters: Component Sizing, Controller Co-Design and Winding-Loss Analysis” on Friday, 21 April 2023 at 02:00 PM (Thailand Time) Korawich Niyomsatian, PhD R&D Engineer with National Instruments Leuven, Belgium
There has been a high increase in demand for high-performance output filters for power converters, possessing high attenuation and high bandwidth. Many emerging applications require high bandwidth and low output distortion, e.g. controllable power sources and grid-tied converters. Moreover, at high switching frequency, the filter attenuation needs to comply with the electromagnetic interference (EMI) standard, which is more stringent than the conventional grid-harmonic standard. Designing an output filter to achieve both high attenuation and high bandwidth is extremely challenging. These new requirements stipulate research in new design tools and modeling approaches.
The talk is based on the PhD thesis of the speaker and touches on the various aspects of the design, modeling and validation of output filters, namely design of resonant-damping controller and component values, winding loss modeling, and winding loss measurement. The thesis aims to improve and facilitate these aspects by introducing a novel component-sizing and control co-design method, homogenization-based finite element (FE) method for winding-loss computation and a more accurate method of winding-resistance extraction.
Korawich Niyomsatian received the B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees in electrical engineering from Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, in 2011 and 2013, respectively, and the double PhD degrees in electrical engineering from KU Leuven, Belgium, and Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium, in 2019. His PhD thesis was awarded the second prize award of the IEEE IAS international PhD thesis competition. From 2014 to 2017, he was a Research Engineer with Triphase NV, Belgium, and a Fellow of the ADEPT Project, which is a European Commission ITN Marie Curie Programme. He is currently working as an R&D Engineer with National Instruments Leuven, Belgium, on a design of high-performance and high-power (kW to MW range) conversion systems for testing electric vehicle drivetrain components such as e-machines, batteries, and inverters. His research interests include control of power converters with high-order output filters, new topologies of power converters, and applications of numerical methods in power electronics such as design of magnetic devices based on finite element method.
Register Here : https://forms.gle/ST4baBviSLBEHGio7
Contact us:
The Electrical Engineering On-Line Seminar is a managed by Power Electronics Application Program (PEAP), Department of Electrical Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, please visit https://ee.eng.chula.ac.th/peap/
If you have any questions, please send an email to Surapong Suwankawin at surapong.su@chula.ac.th